Welcome to the South Lake Church of Christ! Whether you're new to our community or have been with us for a while, we're excited to help you take the next steps in your faith journey. Below, you'll find various opportunities to connect, grow, and serve with us. Each path is designed to support you in your walk with Christ and deepen your involvement in our church family.
Looking to get more involved? Click 'Connect' to find out how you can become a more integral part of our church community. From welcoming new members to joining fellowship events, this is your gateway to belonging.
Join a Small Group to explore your faith in a supportive and intimate setting. Our groups meet regularly to study the Bible, pray together, and share life experiences. It's a place where deep connections are made.
Embark on a transformative journey with our one-on-one Bible Study. This personalized approach to exploring God's Word is designed to deepen your understanding and strengthen your faith in a unique and intimate setting.
Baptism is a significant step in your faith journey. If you're considering baptism or want to learn more about its importance in the Christian life, click here for more information and guidance on how to take this profound step of faith.
Ready to make South Lake Church of Christ your church home? 'Join the Family' is your next step. Learn about church membership, what it entails, and how you can formally become part of our community.
Spiritual growth is a lifelong journey. Here, find resources and programs designed to nurture your faith, understanding, and Christian living. From discipleship classes to spiritual mentoring, we're here to support your growth.
Put your faith into action by serving within our church and local community. Discover various ministries and outreach opportunities where you can make a difference and demonstrate God's love in practical ways.