Couples Corner

Brian & Ellen Royer
    February; the month of Love, the month of Valentine’s day, the “greeting card holiday” and of course, the third biggest day for chocolates!! So many people long to be part of committed relationship and we who are married need to be ever so thankful that God has already blessed us with a spouse.  As many of you know, our daughter just got married to the man of her dreams last month and as we participated in their wedding and with Valentine’s day coming up, we could not help but to think about our wedding day, our courtship and what brought us together.

Proverbs 5:18 May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth!
Song of Songs 7:10 I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.

We all need reminders of how blessed we are to have our spouse.
Here are some practical’s that hopefully can help each one of us remember the specialness of our relationship with our spouse.

1) What did you do to encourage your now spouse while you dated?
2) Share an encouraging memory of your dating relationship.
3) Start today, looking for ways to encourage the wife/husband of your youth this week and for the month.